Anyone with a projector I could borrow? These projects I must attempt to do. Green wall from something's hiding in here, and letter X from dream bird designs.

Typography and chalkboards. Like this combination. I know just a place where these mini chalkboards can go in our home. To DIY may be a bit of a problem as I haven't found any shops that sell chalkboard paint. Perhaps you know of a place?

How manly are these stainless steel letterform? Unfortunately they do not have my hubby's initials.

And lastly, this lighted word gives a great idea on how I would make use of the decorative lights that I got like 2 years back. Now I just need to recall where exactly I stashed them...
{ typography and chalkboard via famille summerbelle }
eh i thot we found the spray paint for the chalkboard at the DIY shop sometime ago?
these are so cool!!!
yay! thanks for featuring my enormous X!
Gurl, it was at the art shop at the Gardens wasn't it?
Hijiri, I totally agree!
Cupcake, most welcome and well done on the project!
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